Newman Futures news

A new vision for the future of East Newman

This year Nyiyaparli Traditional Owners and Martu leaders from KNAC and JYAC came together to develop the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan, the first major Nyiyaparli and Martu led plan resulting from the Cultural Compact. This is understood to be the first co-designed Precinct Structure Plan by two Prescribed Body Corporates in Western Australia. As a major stakeholder, PAMS came on board as a third proponent of the plan.  

The preparation of the Precinct Structure Plan was the result of several workshops held between Nyiyaparli and Martu, realising a new vision for East Newman. Through these consultations and workshops with stakeholders, the Precinct Structure Plan calls for change in East Newman through advocating for improved and increased social housing, improvements to amenities and access to community facilities. 

The World Health Organisation Health and Housing Guidelines states that good housing and amenity is essential to preventing disease, reducing crime, poverty and improving educational outcomes. The finalisation of this plan is a hugely significant step for both KNAC, JYAC, PAMS and the broader community in improving social, health and educational outcomes in the East Newman community. 

These priorities will aim to strengthen the vision for Strong Culture and Strong Family, by ensuring culture, language and families remain strong in East Newman.  

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