Building solid foundations for community and economic participation.
Solid foundations for community
and economic participation
Martu Translation: Nuntirrpa ngurra kamu punutu kamu economy la ngarpilyiku
Things to Address
Diverse cultural and environmental assets
Good existing stakeholder networks and a strong desire to ‘do things differently’
Land that is resource rich and can be used for other ventures such as agricultural or diverse energy projects
Opportunities to expand on tourism possibilities
Good sporting and recreational opportunities
Need for greater coordination amongst government and NGO services in town
Attraction of staff and funding for services or infrastructure in health
Community transience
Cost of living and doing business
Crime and safety, particularly with young people
Reliance on the resource sector
"We need partnerships with the Newman community so people can learn
about our culture and so we can ensure we have access to housing, education
and employment. This will keep our people strong, and when our children see
the older people strong they will follow them.”
Annabel Landy
There is access to quality public spaces accommodation in Newman and in remote communities.
Work with State, regional and local partners to progress a coordinated approach to the range of East Pilbara accommodation.
Progress precinct planning in Newman town centre, including scoping and engagement to develop place principles
Deliver reinvestment in housing in remote communities
Develop plan for provision of emergency and short-stay accommodation
Co-design new culturally sensitive housing and accommodation solutions with Martu and Nyiyaparli
Pilot Aboriginal Males Healing Centre facility
Improved provision of health and support services to at risk families.
Provide essential health infrastructure in Newman.
Deliver new Newman Hospital
Collectively work with relevant agencies to improve health and wellbeing outcomes across demographic groups.
Develop East Pilbara Health and Wellbeing Strategy including exploration of technology solutions for collective case management
Initiate a case management approach for at-risk families (high rates of police callouts, property damage, domestic violence)
Deliver an early childhood education and parental support program in collaboration with Nyiyaparli and Martu in Newman
Redesign service provision with Martu to be culturally appropriate, through the Staying at Home project
An attractive and safe public realm in Newman.
Implement a public safety strategy.
Roll-out CCTV and lighting project
Roll-out East Pilbara planning and improvement program
Pilot Martu/Nyiyaparli security patrol program
Develop a ‘safer Newman’ campaign (e.g. clean-up days, Neighbourhood Watch)
Get involved
There are a number of ways you can get involved with the project, we’d love to hear from you.