On a warm February afternoon this year, the Newman Police kicked off the Night Fields Footy Program with 16 Martu kids at Boomerang Oval. The program has been a huge success and is another example of the spirit of Kujungkarrinjangka: to walk confidently and respectfully in each other’s worlds.
“To begin with, half of the 16 kids were on bail curfew and we would usually need to knock on their door to check on the kids” Mark says, “Now the kids aren’t scared to approach the police. They know all the officers by first name and approach them in their cars to say hello throughout the day.“
The weekly footy game on Thursdays now has up to 58 players, with many community organisations from all walks of life supporting the event through the provision of funding, transport, food and water, and access to the grounds.
Over 600 youth have attended the Night Fields football which will continue on, but may be a different sport or activity during the warmer weather.
For further information on Nightfields, please contact Newman Police Senior Constable Dan Allen or Chelsea Stevenson on 9175 4000.