It’s been over six months now since the Newman Futures Strategy was launched in late November 2019 and what a whirlwind it’s been since then!
If there’s one thing that the COVID-19 health pandemic has taught us, it is that there are so many technologies available to help us connect. And that’s what Newman Futures is all about – harnessing these technologies and working together for a Newman that is ready to tackle all of the challenges and opportunities of the future.
So, as we just tick over the half year milestone, what a better time than ever to go back to the beginning to recap on what Newman Futures is all about.
Newman Futures is a project that brings together community groups, local businesses, government and industry together to work together on initiatives, explore concepts such as the ‘future of work’, and collaboratively work together to bring the community together, and support jobs and the local economy.
And although members of the four Newman Futures working parties haven’t been able to meet up physically, they continued to meet using online video platforms in order to progress a number of priority initiatives.
One of the exciting projects being progressed by the Culture and Country working stream is the development of a compact which will invite signatories to participate in a new way of working together where all cultures come together as equals. Another project that the Liveability and Wellbeing workstream is progressing is a precinct plan for the revitalisation of East Newman. Over in the Education and Training workstream, a ‘Get, Set, Go’ plan is being co-designed that will outline what needs to happen to ensure local students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to find jobs in the emerging Industry 4.0 economy.
And that’s not all, there is plenty more being worked on, like the recent Stronger Business Futures event and the other work that the Economy and Work workstream group is doing to support and rebuild the economy post COVID-19.
There’s a lot happening and still plenty of ways you can be involved. Whether you are part of an organisation with a focus in one of these areas, or a keen community member, you’re more than welcome to join a workstream and join the conversation.
To get involved, simply email us at