Newman Futures news

Song in language brings Newman together

Introducing Come Together, the brand-new song inspired by the This is Our Dream Cultural Compact, incorporating Nyiyaparli language into a catchy, upbeat tune for all to sing.

It’s time to get your vocal cords warmed up and ready to sing! This is a song for everyone, and it’s guaranteed to be a hit!

Come Together is a collaboration between Nyiyaparli musicians Noel Taylor, Benjamin Nicholls and Bradley Hall. It was produced by Red Country Management Pty Ltd, and is a celebration of language and culture in Newman.

An initiative that formed out of the This is Our Dream Cultural Compact, Come Together aims to bring the community together through language, to encourage mutual respect and understanding.

The Cultural Compact is a declaration by Nyiyaparli and Martu people to do things differently in Newman, for the benefit of all. It was signed in July 2020 by representatives from Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation and Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation, inviting the wider community to walk alongside Nyiyaparli and Martu for a better future in Newman. 

The Cultural Compact serves as an invitation to the wider Newman community to sign and commit to increasing cultural awareness in town, walking together to a more inclusive future.

The lyrics in the song “Nyiya Warnima” mean “come together” in Nyiyaparli and “Parnpajinya” refers to the area on which Newman sits in Nyiyaparli and Martu language. Together, it translates to “Come together here in Newman”.

The song is now available to download on Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube Music. Newman Futures has also developed resource packs for schools and youth groups to be able to teach the song to young people. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, please email us at and we will send a digital resource pack your way.

We encourage you to give it a listen, share it with your friends and family and learn the lyrics… and, if you’re brave enough, we’d love to see you inspiring the community by capturing the fun of singing along and uploading it to the Newman Futures Facebook page or the Stronger Together Community Group!

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