Newman Futures news

New Approach to Healing Family Violence

The Aboriginal Males Healing Centre’s vision is that all Aboriginal women and children have a right to live safe and healthy lives free of family violence.

AMHC founder Devon Cuimara and the technical team are promoting a new approach to resolving intimate partner violence. “Women and children have a strong attachment to their home and AMHC feels that they have a right to stay there,” Devon says.  “Our concept contends that perpetrators of violence could be removed by an authority, such as the police or the court, and come to the AMHC as an alternative to incarceration.”

The men would stay for a 12-month residential healing program comprised of Western clinical care and rehabilitation underpinned by key healing elements from Aboriginal culture and lore.  AMHC is overseen by a commission of Martu and Niyayaparli elders and delivered by elders in collaboration with the clinical team.

The Shire of East Pilbara has granted AMHC access to 13.2 hectares 10km south of Newman to build the centre. The vision is to construct a 28-bed facility. AMHC is also exploring options to run a smaller program in town. 

For more information on AMHC see

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