Things are better when we’re together. Even if we’re not always together physically, it’s so important to stay connected.
Newman Futures has launched a new initiative called StreetNet and it’s all about the simple ways you can connect with your neighbours. It’s about building connections and networks, street by street, to build and strengthen our community.
There’s plenty of reasons to get involved. Maybe you are new in town and are keen to meet some new folk, or maybe your kids need someone to play with on their street. You might be away or sick and need someone to water your plants or take the bins out, or maybe it’s about organising a regular street BBQ to just come together, share some stories, drinks and watch the sun go down.
Plus, we’ve got some fantastic giveaways and prizes thanks to our partners at the Shire of East Pilbara with their East Pilbara Dollars project. Get involved and keep an eye on the Newman Futures Community Board to see how you can win! And if that’s not enough, check out the interactive map to upload your favourite places around Newman – walking trails, camping spots, go to picnic places, or any other places you love!
Get involved and keep an eye on the Newman Futures Community Board,