A priority project of the Newman Futures strategy for the past two years has been the development of the East Newman Precinct Structure Plan (ENPSP), which outlines the vision of Nyiyaparli and Martu in creating a better future for their community.
This year the ENPSP was formally recommended for approval to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) by the Shire of East Pilbara at its August Council meeting. The preparation and assessment of the ENPSP involved extensive community engagement with the wider Newman community.
The proponents Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation (KNAC), Jamukurnu Yapalikurnu Aboriginal Corporation (JYAC) and Puntukurnu Aboriginal Medical Service (PAMS) hope that the plan will guide investment and development in East Newman to provide for better housing, community facilities and public amenity.
Former JYAC chairperson and Martu man Melvin Farmer said
“It’s been a long journey to where we are and we would like to see this project up and running,” he said.
“It makes life better for our people in Newman, that’s why we are fighting for that recognition to have East Newman built up for our people.”
In November, the project was recognised at the Planning Institute of Australia’s state awards winning the Planning with Country category, while also receiving a high commendation in the Strategic Planning category.
KNAC Chairperson Keith Hall, PAMS deputy Chairperson Stanley Watson and former JYAC Chairperson Melvin Farmer accepted the award together in Perth. The project is now in the running for the National Planning with Country award, which will be announced early next year.
This plan would not have been possible without the collaboration of Nyiyaparli and Martu community members, as well as the support of the wider Newman community. We look forward to seeing some of its priorities come to life in the future.
The following video contains the image and voice of a person who has died.