Newman Futures news

Storytelling in the Digital Age

Martu organisation Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ) uses both traditional Martu knowledge and modern technologies to pass on culture, stories, language and knowledge to younger Martu. Technology is developed and implemented on Martu terms and is driven by the cultural values and aspirations of the Martu people.

An example of this process in action is KJ’s work designing a digital app that will include geo-fencing technology to alert the user to stories, language, cultural and ecological knowledge around them as they travel on country.

The desire to develop this app came from the realisation that elders are increasingly unable to travel to remote parts of Martu country. This app will allow their voices and stories to continue to be shared as younger Martu visit and care for country. As one Martu said, “the old people will always be there – we won’t be alone.”

The app is set to be developed by the end of 2020 and KJ will be looking for partnerships to assist in further developing the app to a fully functional product.

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