Newman Futures news

Kujungkarrinjangka: Coming Together

The Martu Leadership program, run by Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa (KJ), embodies the spirit of Kujungkarrinjangka by building Martu understanding of the mainstream world, and educating others in Martu customs and ways.

While Martu families learn aspects of the mainstream system that affect their lives, members of the mainstream system have been invited on country with Martu elders.
We caught up with Maria Gibbs, who has been involved in the Martu Leadership Program for the past two years.

What has been the best part of Martu Leadership Program for you?

Learning about whitefella law and organisations and the criminal justice system.

Have you seen changes for your people through the Martu Leadership Program?

Yes. I see people now have confidence to go to court. We have knowledge about what a restraining order is. We didn’t know about it before. Also, we have learnt a lot about different organisations and how members can own a business organisation. We now know how directors of an organisation have a voice to direct how the company should work.

Do you have any moments of kujungkarrinjangka to share with us?

Yes, I have a sense of partnership with different stakeholders. Communities are coming together. For example, the police have partnered with KJ.

What would you like to see achieved through Newman Futures?

I’d like to see less alcohol in the community. That’s a big one. And for the community to work with parents who live in Newman to get kids to school every day. Some people have to stay in town because of their health so we need to help.

To learn more about KJ and the Martu Leadership Program, visit

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